India Tiger Safari

November 8th- November 16th 2025

This 9 day itinerary offers the perfect combination of wildlife and cultural experiences. It includes several tiger and leopard safaris, and a river boat cruise to look for the critically endangered gharial and Ganges river dolphin! We also visit the pink city, Jaipur and the Taj Mahal in Agra. One of the highlights of this trip is visiting the world famous Ranthambore National Park, famous for its tigers and other species like leopard, striped hyena and sloth bear.

Itinerary (subject to minor changes)

DAY 1:

Pick-up from Delhi early in the morning and depart for Ranthambore National Park. It takes roughly 5-6 hours from Delhi to the resort (depending upon the traffic in the city). We will check in after lunch. Post lunch we will proceed towards the national park for our afternoon tiger safari! After the safari, high tea will be served at the resort. You can relax and read some books or enjoy star gazing as we prepare our delicious dinner.

DAY 2:

After a good night’s sleep, it is now time for our morning safari. We head into the forest in search of mammals, birds and reptiles. We have potential to see tigers, sloth bear, striped hyena, leopard, dholes (native canines), monkeys and more! Breakfast will be packed and sent on safari along with drinking water. What better way to have the first meal of the day than sitting in the forest, surrounded by nature. After safari, you can do some bird-watching, take a walk around the property or simply take a nap. After lunch, we head back into the forest for our evening safari. After the safari, high tea will be served at the resort. Chill out, then have dinner after a long day.

DAY 3:

Another morning safari! We head into the forest in search of wildlife. Breakfast will be packed and sent on-safari along with drinking water. Breakfast again in the forest. After the morning safari, we head back to the property. Chill out, have lunch, then head back into the forest for our evening safari. After the safari high-tea will be served at the resort. You can relax and read some books or star gaze as we prepare your delicious home style cooked dinner. Lights Out! See you tomorrow.

Day 4:

In the morning, we head into the forest for our final tiger safari! Breakfast in the forest! After the safari, we can do some bird-watching, take a walk around the property or simply take a nap. We can utilize the rest of the day to relax and unwind.

Day 5:

It is now time for our next destination! We start bright and early for Chambal, a sanctuary known for being home to the critically endangered Gharials. Gharials are a unique looking crocodilian, with their comically long, thin snout. They can reach over 20 feet in length! There is also potential to see mugger crocodiles and if we’re super lucky, see the insanely rare Ganges River dolphin. The ride to Chambal is close to an hour and we spend the morning/afternoon in Chambal on the boat safari. Afterwards, we come back to Ranthambore by late evening, have dinner, and go to bed.

 Day 6:

We leave for Jaipur from Ranthambore bright and early, following a 3–4 hour journey to the Pink City, Jaipur. Once we arrive at Jaipur by afternoon, we have lunch and leave for an afternoon safari in the Jhalana Leopard Park, home to 30 leopards! After the safari we can relax in the hotel, have dinner and head to bed.

Day 7:

We do 2 leopard safaris (Morning and Afternoon) in Jhalana, along with spending the rest of the day sightseeing around Jaipur. Jaipur has cool temples we can visit, including the famous monkey temple, where monkeys free-roam in large numbers. They can be seen playing and even swimming in the temple pools. Since the leopard safaris are only 2.5 hours, it keeps a major chunk of our day open to exploring Jaipur.  

Day 8:

After a good night’s sleep, it is now time for our morning safari. We head into the forest in search of wildlife. Breakfast will be served after the safari. After the safari, you spend the rest of the day roaming around the bustling city of Jaipur and enjoying their local delicacies

Day 9:

After unwinding from the previous day, we head to the last leg of our tour, the Taj Mahal. We leave early morning for Agra, from Jaipur to see the Taj Mahal. Agra is 5 hours from Jaipur. Once we reach the Taj Mahal in the afternoon, we can spend a few hours enjoying the beauty of one of the world's heritage sites. After we have taken in the beauty of the monument we leave Agra for Delhi, reaching Delhi by late evening.


Retainer (required to reserve your spot on the trip): USD $1,600.

Total: USD $3,800

Final payment (USD $2,200) to be paid 60 days before departure date.

What’s Included

• All accommodation during the trip (if staying the night of day 9, hotel will be at own cost).

• All travel while in India.

• All 6 safaris in Ranthambore and 4 leopard safaris in Jhalana.

• Entrance fee for Taj Mahal.

• All meals from lunch on day one to breakfast on the last day.

What’s not included

• Flights, travel insurance & any visas required.

• Stay in Delhi before trip starts.

• Stay in Delhi on night 9.

• Any additional activity you choose in Ranthambore.

• Jaipur internal site seeing and travel for any optional site seeing.

• Bottled water / alcoholic and / or non-alcoholic beverages.

• Laundry.

• Room service charges.

• Tips & souvenirs.